I’m an FX artist, sculptor and painter, and also unconditional admirer and enthusiast of the traditional artistic works in movies like: model making, make-up effects, stop motion and matte painting. Nowadays some of those artistic activities have been replaced by Computer Generated Imagery. Matte painting is probably the most extreme case, and at the moment it is almost impossible to think of a film using traditional glass paintings.
This Blog is tribute to the old tricks of the
trade of the lost art of matte painting.
I actually have a web site dedicated to all
those artistic craftworks at: http://galeon.com/artinmovies/indexFX.html
I started that site 10 years ago and it has
grown so huge and unsystematic that it is almost a chaotic experience to visit .
With the help of a graphic artist, I’m working on the huge task of create a new
web design to make a more easy and pleasant experience to surf it.
There are many blogs created for digital matte
painters. But as far as I know, there is
only one dedicated to the art of traditional glass painting. Created and
written by my good friend NZPete.
During the last years he has develop an
incredible and in deep examination of matte artists and films. Most of his
articles are intense and profound analysis of specific subject or film
genres. My intention is not to compete,
but to complete his enormous work. I will write small articles dedicated to particular
Although the main interest in this blog is
matte painting, you will also find some
samples of miniatures, creatures, pyrotechnic and all kind of Special Effects.
My first publication will deal with the film
“Serpent of the Nile” (1953) by
Columbia Pictures.
It was filmed using the left over sets from “Salome” with Jack Erickson credited
for Special effects.
As far
As I know, Erickson was not a matte painter or photographer. The paintings are irregular quality and they were probably executed by more than one
artist. Maybe Juan Larrinaga (Mario’s
brother) or Lou Lichtenfield whom worked
at Columbia
matte department during the late forties.
I’m not sure about who was in charge of Columbia matte department
at the fifties. Lichtenfield worked for MGM An American in Paris (1950) and later headed the Warner Bros FX department
Helen of troy (1956) The Spirit of St. Louis (1957)
Lawrence Butler used to be head of visual
effects at Columbia
during the 40´s and 50´s. There never was a matte painter credited on his films.
He probably hired matte artists for freelance works.
Although they are nice and colourful, some of
the paintings seem children’s book illustrations instead of realistic matte paintings.
Enjoy and best regards.