Chesley Bonestell

Chesley Bonestell started working on the movie business at 1938, doing some matte work for  Errol Flynn´s The Adventures of Robin Hood. He made paintings for movies like Citizen Kane(1941), The Hunchback of Notre Dame(1939), or  The Fountainhead(1949).
He also contributed painting backgrounds, like the lunar landscape for Destination Moon(1950) He is well known as a pioneer of the astronomical art.


- “Men Into Space” (1959) TV Series (creator: space concepts)
- Conquest of Space (1955) (astronomical art)
- Cat-Women of the Moon (1953) (moonscape paintings)
- War of the Worlds, The (1953) (space art)
- When Worlds Collide (1951) (technical advisor)
- Destination Moon (1950) (space art and technical advisor)
- Fountainhead, The (1949) (matte artist) (uncredited)
- Horn Blows at Midnight, The (1945) (matte artist)
- Rhapsody in Blue (1945) (matte artist) (uncredited)
- Adventures of Mark Twain, The (1944) (matte artist)
- Magnificent Ambersons, The (1942) (background paintings)
- Citizen Kane (1941) (background paintings)
- How Green Was My Valley (1941) (matte artist) (uncredited)
- Charley’s Aunt (1941) (matte artist)
- Swiss Family Robinson (1940) (background paintings)
- Tom Brown’s School Days (1940)
- Only Angels Have Wings (1939) (background paintings)
- Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (1939) (background paintings)
- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)

- The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) (matte artist)