The North Star (1943)

That Lewis Mileston Drama War film  have many  wonderful  miniatures and matte paintings shots, as many of the Sam Goldwyn films, with Clarence Slifer and Ray Binger credited for the Photographic  effects.  In praise of the impressive visual and artistic imagery on that film we shouldn't forget the name of production designer  William Cameron Menzies who is credited as associate producer.

Matte camera operator Clarence   Slifer was head of photographic effect unit at many films produced by  David Oselznick during the 30´s and 40´s, but also share his duties with Sam Goldwyn films.   Ray Binger was  another  special effects  cinematographer who worked also very often for Sam Goldwyn productions.

Although there is not matte painter credited at "The North Star" Clarence Sliffer  used to work  frequently with the same  group of artists as Jack Cosgrove , Albert Simpson, Jack Shaw, and Fitch Fulton.   I can only guess that  the  excellent matte work on that films was made by some of those artist. 

Some wonderful miniature shots made for the war scenes.