Ilya Muromets and Sadko. Miniatures and mattes

Two Russian epic films full of perspective tricks with model miniatures and paintings. Both directed by Alexandr Putshko.

Ilya Muromets (The sword and the dragon, 1956) with Yevgeni Svidetelev as FX art director and Boris Travkin and Aleksei Renkov as FX cinematography. 
 There are many background miniatures, with some matte shots and split screen composites. 
  Those kinds of perspective tricks are usual at Russian films during the 50´s and 60´s. They were accomplished craftsmen in the use of miniatures and matte shots. Two samples of background miniatures.
  Matte paintings used to complete and enhance some scenic art.
 The Dragon as a flying miniature and a full size mechanical creature.
 Two matte paintings of distant city walls.
At all the Russian films I have seen, matte paintings were uncredited. I don’t know a single Russian matte painter, unless the FX art director was responsible for that work.   If there is any Russian FX artists who known anything on who made what on these old epic films, I would be very grateful to learn about it

The second film is Sadko (The magic Voyage of Sinbad, 1953)  Again with Yevgeni Svidetelev, this time as production Designer, and  Sergei Mukhim as responsible for Special effcts.
A painting of a city matted into footage of a real location.
Hanging miniature of the city enhancing the wall set.

A miniature set with a painted fantasy city probably filmed on a water tank.

Two more samples of foreground hanging miniatures perfectly matching the walls of the city.